It’s easy to think of the climate crisis like some slowly creeping monster that inches closer with every reckless decision we make for our planet. Truth is, for many Americans, climate change is already here. In fact, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities across the country have been disproportionately impacted for decades .
At TAZO, we believe everyone has a responsibility to not only protect the planet, but those in communities that are most vulnerable to this crisis. And, together, we can achieve climate justice by centering BIPOC-led climate solutions.
It’s a simple fact that trees are vital for the planet and everyone on it. They can help a community in so many ways: from a neighborhood’s air and water quality , and mental health , to increasing property value , lowering utility bills , and creating more jobs .
But not every neighborhood gets to enjoy these benefits. Due to a history of racist housing practices, predominantly BIPOC communities have 20% fewer trees on average than white communities.
That’s why we’re teaming up with American Forests to launch the TAZO Tree Corps, a paid tree-planting workforce led by The Davey Tree Expert Company that’ll help reforest BIPOC communities in five major cities.
*Applicants for this year’s Tree Corps must be 21+, identify as Black, Indigenous or another Person of Color living in Detroit, Minneapolis, or the San Francisco Bay Area, and interested in tree maintenance and working outdoors. Check the full list of requirements to make sure you’re eligible.
"The TAZO Tree Corps, launched in 2021, aims to transform lives by training and employing people from communities of color and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods to plant and care for trees in cities. In this video, Azeezah Ford, the first person hired into the TAZO Tree Corps, tells of her experiences in joining the corps in Detroit. Now in five cities, the TAZO Tree Corps is a partnership between TAZO, American Forests, and The Davey Tree Expert Company that works to combat climate change and create new locally hired jobs for people who typically have been left out of the tree care industry. TAZO Tree Corps members work for Davey and in the first six months are provided TAZO-supported services, such as stipends for childcare and transportation, to assist in the transition to full-time employment. Visit to learn more about opportunities in urban forestry."
The TAZO Tree Corps, launched in 2021, aims to transform lives by training and employing people from communities of color and economically disadvantaged neighborhoods to plant and care for trees in cities. Now in five cities, the TAZO Tree Corps is a partnership between TAZO, American Forests, and The Davey Tree Expert Company that works to combat climate change and create new locally hired jobs for people who typically have been left out of the tree care industry. TAZO Tree Corps members work for Davey and in the first six months are provided TAZO-supported services, such as stipends for childcare and transportation, to assist in the transition to full-time employment. Visit to learn more about opportunities in urban forestry.

The Detroit Conservation Corps provides paid training, workplace skill development, and more.

Stay tuned for more information on Richmond!

The YouthBuild program provides paid training to help maintain and improve the city’s green spaces.

Stay tuned for more information on the Bronx!

Our City Forest trains young BIPOC adults to improve the urban forest across Silicon Valley.
It’s past time to address the disparity in tree cover in our nation’s cities, and bring the benefits of the urban forest to BIPOC communities. Tree equity isn’t just an environmental issue. It’s a moral imperative. Just like buildings, streets, and sewer lines, trees are essential infrastructure that improve quality of life and impact nearly every aspect of a neighborhood.